Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I want your skullcakes...

I've always wanted to play in a Misfits cover band. Over the weekend, I decided to take the most logical step to fill this misfits-cover-band shaped void in my life...but instead of practicing el guitaro and posting a craigslist ad for bandmates, I baked skullcakes.

Little did I know when setting out on this task that it would come damn close to being an epic faiulre. You see, I did my homework. I made a template for the white chocolate skulls, and I assembled them while the vanilla cuppers were in the oven. It was only once the cupcakes were cooled and I was ready to place the glorious white chocolate skulls on top of them that I realized my mistake. The skulls were gigantic. I don't even know how my measurements ended up as off as they were, but these skulls were about the size of two cupcakes (each).

No biggie, though. I just stacked two cupcakes on top of eachother (with the wrapper removed on the top one), secured with chocolate buttercream and a lollipop stick, then dipped the whole thing in chocolate ganache. Crisis averted. Cupcakes prevail.

The details - vanilla cupcakes dipped in chocolate ganache (tinted black). The skulls are made of white chocolate that I piped on wax paper and set in the freezer to harden.

Would Glenn Danzig eat these cupcakes? That I can't say, but I can say that you won't lose any punk cred by devouring one (or three). Hey - if the [chocolate] drains down like devils rain, we'll bathe tonight.

Inspired by: Danzig, The Misfits, Skulls, and my lack of a music related creative outlet.

Best enjoyed: while wearing a black hoodie and listening to Skulls by the Misfits on repeat.

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